March 23, 2007, Newsletter Issue #109: 10 minutes per grade level

Tip of the Week

It's as simple as that. To effectively improve student's grades and understanding
of their schoolwork, 10 minutes of homework per day for each grade level is most effective…e.g. 1st grade 10 min, 3rd grade 30, 10th grade 100, etc.

In grades 1-6 follow this guideline to the letter. No more time, no less. It has been proven that younger children begin to develop negative associations toward
homework and school when this homework time allotment is exceeded. In other words don't force your 2nd grader to do homework for more than 20 minutes!

If homework is taking longer than the corresponding time period, talk to your child's teacher immediately. I can't stress this enough- 10 minutes per grade level only! If the teacher gives you problems, go to the principal. Again negative
associations are formed early on in school. Don't let one “pain in the butt”, teacher ruin school forever for your child.

Junior and High school students can obviously handle more work than younger students can. Most older students also have homework projects, such as
research papers and oral reports, that may have deadlines weeks away.

Use the10-minute homework guideline to help them organize and plan work times within their “time”.

It is always a good idea to ask your principal if your school has a homework policy. If it does, make sure that your children understand that policy. (go back to my Ask “Why?” tip)

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